
We Are Starlight

This week I was honored to present the opening keynote address at the NCSHA conference at the Fontainebleau in Miami Beach.

Watch a VIDEO CLIP from the event

I continue to have incredible opportunities to speak to business leaders, educators, and community heroes around the country. I share stories from my filmmaking adventures that show the potential all of us have to be leaders & bring more hope into the world.

After each presentation, people feel inspired to tell me their personal stories. Sometimes we smile and celebrate the successes. Often, we hug and cry about the struggles. I try to speak a blessing to each of them. Yesterday it took 3 hours to meet everyone who wanted a moment together.

brett culp

There are many things I don't understand about my life, but I know for certain that I was made to do this. And it brings me great joy.

I hope today you are using your extraordinary gifts to bless others and make the world a more compassionate & loving place. It will help others, and your heart will be so full!

When Things Go Wrong

This makes me LAUGH! 

I recently spoke at an event in Washington DC. Just as I reached the climax of an emotional story, the stage spotlights starting fading in & out. This video shows my response.

In life, stuff goes wrong. Sometimes it’s your fault, sometimes it isn’t. Either way, I find the best approach is to stay cool, smile, authentically acknowledge the craziness, and then use it as an opportunity to build personal connection and bring people together into a shared adventure.

... and, blame the Bat-Signal. 

Thinking Beyond "Viral"

One of my posts went viral last week. 120,000 likes! 55,000 shares! I'm thrilled this message helped so many people.

But it also stirred up some controversy and angry comments directed at me. A vocal group of people were upset about what I wrote.

In this video, I talk about the experience and how it reminded me to maintain my perspective, keep creating, and know that it's always bigger than me.

For MORE on this topic, I go deeper in the newest episode of my PODCAST... Being an Everyday Hero.

Be Bold

This is my son Logan’s 2016 Talent Show performance.  Every sound you hear is HIS voice. He spend 2 months designing & recording this 12-track audio mix of him singing all the parts. Then, he added a video background showing him singing the 4 main background vocals.

Although we always love watching him perform, Tricia & I were blown away by the vision & planning required to execute this so perfectly. It was risky, complex, & bold.

Proud of this kid!